Instructions for Downloading Wikispaces Files
Wikispaces closed their site in July of 2018. Since there was no simple and inexpensive way to convert our Wikispaces to a new Web site, we exported the files for each CWP SI cohort and have stored the zipped files in Google Drive. To access the CWP SI Wikispaces files from your cohort, follow these steps:
1) Click on the link below. This will take you to a shared Google Drive folder from your cohort. IF YOU DID NOT ATTEND THIS SUMMER INSTITUTE, YOU WILL NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THIS SHARED GOOGLE DRIVE.
2011 CWP Summer Institute Zip File
2) Double click on the shared Google Drive folder.
3) Right click on the file that ends with .zip and click on Download. Store it on your local hard drive (or flash drive) in a place where you can find it.
4) You may get the following message: “[FILENAME” (193.9MB) exceeds the maximum file size that Google can scan. This file might harm your computer, so only download this file if you understand the risks. The zip files have been scanned and are safe, so go ahead and click on the Download Anyway button.
5) Go to the .zip file on your hard drive and double click on it. This will create a folder with your cohort’s CWP SI year. Double click on that folder to open it up.
6) Double click on the file titled table_of_content.html. That will launch a Web browser and you will see an alphabetical listing of all of the files from the Wikispace stored as hyperlinks. Click on any of those file names and they should open in your Web browser. If any are Word, PowerPoint, or PDF documents, you computer will ask if you want to download them. Go ahead and download them if you want to be able to easily open them.
If you are having difficulty with the Chrome browser, try a different browser. If you are still having difficulty, please call the CWP Office at 860-486-2328.